Exhibition of the Latvian War Museum “Latvians in World War I” is the most comprehensive historical exposition of the First World War in Latvia. 4.100 square feet wide exhibition consists of 1230 historical testimonies, 3 animated projections, 5 touch screens and 15 digital screens. The exhibition gained wide popularity among locals and was awarded with prestigious international design award “German Design Award 2018”. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that for the first time in the history of Latvian museums the "invisible" glass or “ARTGLASS” is used in the whole exposition.
The exhibition consists of two different thematic blocks. The first part is devoted to the events of the First World War in Europe and Latvia, whereas the second part – to the political and military changes in 1917 and their consequences.
The central part of the exposition is dedicated to the Latvian Riflemen units, their battles and everyday life in war trenches. Important components of the exhibition are excerpts from memoirs, letters and diaries of contemporaries, allowing the visitor to come closer to the events, feelings and thoughts of the time.
95 weapons and ammunition, 11 posters, 42 postcards, 384 objects, 131 document and 568 photographs – a total of 1.231 exhibits – can be viewed in the exhibition.
Linking historical content to today's reality, contemporary design and interactive solutions makes the exhibit interesting and easily perceptible for different audiences.